Minifiddlers Violin Pedagogy Course: 3rd year
In the videos Professor Szilvay teaches his group of children, which makes it easy for you to follow along. You can study the videos individually at your own pace, or you can gather together your own group of little violinists and follow the weekly lesson plan. The package includes lessons for the whole third year.
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Get access to the course platform by registering and choosing a subscription plan. Purchase process and watching the videos are done at the old Minifiddlers online shop.
The plan suits for a single user, e.g. an individual pedagogue, student or a family.
Starting from 14,95 € / month
Provide training materials for a group of users! The plan suits for multiple teachers or students e.g. in music schools and institutions.
Content length:
11 hours 31 minutes
Streaming video
Unlimited access during the chosen subscription period
Lessons and pedagogical topics
Each video lesson is 18–34 minutes.
- Lesson 1 — Dotted crotchet/quarter note played after a quaver/eight note
- Lesson 2 — The quaver/eight note rest following a quaver/eight note
- Lesson 3 — The quaver/eight note rest preceding quaver/eight note
- Lesson 4 — Introducing the semibreve/whole note
- Lesson 5 — Introducing semiquavers/sixteenth note
- Lesson 6 — Introducing and practicing rests and pause/fermata
- Lesson 7 — Musical literacy
- Lesson 8 — Bouncing bow
- Lesson 9 — Chamber music with piano
- Lesson 10 — Eighth note and sixteenth notes
- Lesson 11 — Sixteenth notes in front of eight note
- Lesson 12 — The major scale
- Lesson 13 — The natural minor scale
- Lesson 14 — Christmas matinée
- Lesson 15 — The absolute pitch G
- Lesson 16 — The absolute pitch G and G major scale played on two octaves
- Lesson 17 — The absolute pitch and note name A
- Lesson 18 — A major scale played on the lower (first) octave and sharpened stopping position of the third finger
- Lesson 19 — A major scale on two octaves and the mixed stopping position of the third finger
- Lesson 20 — The absolute pitch A and A minor scale on two octaves
- Lesson 21 — The absolute pitch and note name B/H
- Lesson 22 — The absolute pitch and note name C, C minor scale on two octaves
- Lesson 23 — C major and the mixed stopping position of the first finger
- Lesson 24 — G minor and the mixed stopping position of the fourth finger
- Lesson 25 — The absolute pitch and note name D and the D major scale
- Lesson 26 — New rhythms. D minor and major scales
- Lesson 27 — The absolute pitch and note name E together with E major and minor scales
- Lesson 28 — The natural (non altered) note F
- Lesson 29 — Time signature 3/8
- Lesson 30 — Matinée
Book(s) used in the course
Géza Szilvay: Colourstrings Violin ABC, Book D, Book E and Book F + Yellow Pages Volumes I and II.
- Lessons 1–14: Book D
- Lessons 15–25: Book E
- Lessons 26–30: Book E and F + Yellow Pages Volumes I and II
Please notice that the page numbers mentioned in the videos may vary depending on the edition used.
Teacher: Prof. Géza Szilvay
Violinist, teacher, conductor and the President of ESTA (European String Teachers Association) Prof. Géza Szilvay is creator of Colourstrings method.
Géza has decades of experience of violin pedagogy. He has given more than 200 lectures and workshops on his child-centered teaching method and philosophy across the world, and trained pupils and teachers online over 10 years. In addition to his long pedagogical experience, Géza is known for his strong presence and personal warmth that makes him an excellent and impressive online teacher.
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